Monday, February 23, 2009


We had a nice busy, yet relaxing weekend. On Saturday, Tehya had a volleyball tournament in Salisbury which is about 30 minutes away from us. They played in the 14 year old division (her & her teammates are 11). Even though they lost all matches, they played extremely well and all games were very close. The last game was 29-27. I was so proud of her, she's come soooo far in such a short amount of time...I'm amazed everytime I watch her play. Secretly I think I'm obsessed with it. We rushed out of there at 6pm trying to catch Brooke's basketball tournament game (dad coaches), We got there with 4 minutes to spare...they lost 7-4. They had a wonderful season considering they didn't win at all last year.
Saturday night Tehya had 3 girl friends spend the night. They ate pizza and ice cream for dinner and breakfast. That's what slumber parties are for huh? Sunday afternoon they went to see Madea goes to Jail while I took Bella and my niece Olivia swimming at the YMCA. We hadn't done that in awhile.
Tehya had her first softball practice today. She said she enjoyed it. She's never ever played before so she was nervous about it, but seems to think she'll like it just fine...She really doesn't talk about much anymore. Tweens! She said she thinks she'll play catcher and outfield.
One of Brooke's friends invited her all week to spend the night saturday and then invited someone else. Brooke was pretty devestated, Jason was so pissed, so he told Brooke to do that to her...She said that's not the way to handle things. Which it isn't, but sometimes (he and I) just want to be mean....even if it is to a stinking 4th grader. Oh yeah, and my husband keeps wanting to do it....we just did 3 weeks ago...I need a break...Geeze!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Isabella and the whole first grade class had a party. It was a snowball (fancy word for food and dancing)..they were to dress in their royal best. They had a DJ and the place was decorated like a winter wonderland. I was not able to attend, so here are some pics beforehand.

Vball pics

If you've been reading my blogs you know we spend alot of time dedicated to volleyball. Tehya has had two tournaments so far, so here are some pics from those.

Fire Safety

The 4th graders in our whole county have to do a fire safety poster. Each year the theme is differrent. The Fire Chief chooses the top 3 posters, and those winners get to be "Fire Chief for A Day". They get to ride around in a fire truck, put on the gear, and get a shirt with their names printed on them. they also get taken to lunch. Tehya was a winner. She had lots of fun and the shirt is actually really nice. This year is Brooke's is her poster....the results will be in sometime in March. The theme was preventing house fires.