Friday, March 19, 2010

Just venting a little

So, I've fallen off the diet wagon. I'm sure it wasn't that big of a surprise. Just look at how well I keep up with blogging. NOT! So, I just don't know. I wanna lose weight. I really do. But I just wanna wake up thin, ya know? The thought of working out is so, so, um......exhausting! Oh, and I do love McDonalds Frappe's. Drinking one right now! But, I did lose 3 pounds having only water to drink.
And to make matters worse we went to Hooter's tonight. My soon to be 8 year old chose the damn place. Oh, her and my husband pigged out on wings. I hated it the minute I walked in there. I had good reason. It took forever for them to wait on us. Then my boneless wings were tasteless and yuck-foo. And our bill was over $40.00 on crap!
Maybe a little bit of me is pissed off that I couldn't squeeze a toe into their shorts....oh and they have perky boobs. That's enough to piss anyone off!!
I guess I only have myself (and McDonalds) to blame!:)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Fat Ass!

So, since I am betting that no one reads this, I am going to use it as my documentation into my journey of losing weight. I am at a whopping 206 pounds and I have got to be no more than 5 feet tall. I don't want to do anything. I love winter because of the lovely sweatshirts. And seriously it hurts to breathe sometimes. I do have a goal in mind. Last time I worked out, really worked out was for my wedding over 3 years ago. My daughter is gung-ho about working out, so it seems like a wonderful idea. My plan is to take it slow. I am giving myself a year to lose about 60 lbs. Tomorrow is the first day! So onto being a loser......:)!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Tehya's bday

Tomorrow is Tehya's 12th birthday. She has volleyball practice, then we are going to the Charlotte 49ers volleyball game. I am excited about going to see the "big girls" play. Hopefully Tehya will learn some new tricks and implement them in a game. She is planning on trying out for JO volleyball again this fall, but she is having a dilemma. All the girls on the team were 12 or turned 12 before Sept 6 and the whole team was in the 6th grade. So, if you are 12 and born before Sept 6, you will play in the U13 league. Tehya will be 12 AFTER Sept 6, so she could play in the U12 league (played in last year) or if her coach feels like she can handle playing in the older league she could put in her that one. She totally can handle it! So, I say to her, "hey try to get your jump serve down" or "practice jumping higher when you spike". You know bring something new to the tryouts to show them that you are growing in your learning!!! I know she can do it!!!!

For her actual party she is wanting to have a bunch of friends over to just hang out. I think this is a cheap, wonderful idea. We have to find a good weekend though. She is "working" on Saturdays being a line judge at the elementary schools volleyball games. She makes $5 a game. She pocketed $50 this past Saturday!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I'm Back, pt 2

I totally suck at blogging. I love reading everyone's blogs. i don't physically know the people whose blogs I read, but I feel like I kind of know them because I read their blogs often. I guess laziness just keeps me from actually blogging, so I am going to try to take the time to put out there whatever I feel like writing about. So let's start today with the kids.

We have been really busy already and school has only been in session for about a month. Tehya is playing middle school volleyball. Brooke is playing for her elementary school and Isabella is cheering for Varsity (grades 4th and 5th) football. Luckily, Tehya's volleyball games are during the week, so we only have 2 games to attend to on Saturdays.

Tehya's volleyball team has done really well. They were 3-0 until Thursday, so they are 3-1 now. About the last game, it wasn't that the other team was better than them, they beat themselves. I hate when that happens. I know the coach was upset, as was I. (more to come regarding Tehya's vball team and it's dilemmas)

Brooke was going to play football, she practiced and then decided it wasn't for her. That's fine since she was doing some sort of practice 5 nights a week. She will have her first volleyball game this Saturday. Wish them luck!!!

Bella had a football game. The team lost, but they played really well. I was proud of the football players and the cheerleaders. They were A-W-E, S O M E!!! Cheesy, I know.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just stuff

I haven't really had too much going on this past week. I worked more than usual which was okay. I wasn't too much so I was still around the house. I did get a much needed haircut and dye job. I had to laugh when my hair stylist said she would add some "grey busters to the dye." Since my hair is soooo dark, every grey strand shows up really well.

Jason is trying to get his website for his business going. He's having problems with a couple pages on it. His boss is going to look at it tomorrow (he's a computer genius) and hopefully things will be up and running. I'm really excited about it all. He is super stressed because he just wants things to be going already!

We did not have any athletic events to attend to this weekend, so we got to sleep in Saturday morning. We didn't wake up until 10:30. It was so nice. After cleaning rooms and mowing the grass, we went shopping! Very nice!

We went grocery shopping today. Thank God that is out of the way. Jason HATES to go, but sometimes I hate to have to go alone. It went well and hopefully we won't see Walmart until next week!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sports Update

Brooke's softball season has gotten under way. She had a game Saturday, Monday, and tonight (Thurs). The first game really sucked big time....I truly wanted to leave, yes it was that bad. Monday night was a huge improvement. Even though we lost, it was still fun!. Tonight, started out horribly, we were losing 5-12, but in the last inning we came back and the final score was 9-12. Still a lost, but they left there feeling like cliche. I know they will get better with time. My main goal for this season is to only cheer positively, no negative comments from the bleachers. I did well tonight. Sometimes i let the competitive girl in me say things I shouldn't to a bunch of 4th graders. It's a work in progress.

Brooke is wanting to sign up for football for next year. Jason is saying ABSOLUTELY NOT. I said maybe she could sign up, go to a practice, and see if it was she is really thinks she can do, but he says HELL NO!!!!

Bella has been having t-ball practice, but no games yet!

Tehya is playing in the Sheriff's Volleyball League. All but 2 of her teammates from JO volleyball are on this team. (those 2 are in softball). This is a great way for them to practice and keep their skills up. Her last tourney for JO was the end of march and one month later, they were all out of shape with their legs hurting from vball practice. The league goes until the middle of July, so this should be great for middle school tryouts. She has a game Sat. for this league....we'll see how they do.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


I haven't been on here in 2 months. I keep telling myself to become more dedicated to doing this, but I'm not. I'll try harder. In my last post Tehya had just had her first softball practice. Now, the season is over....thank goodness. Her team wasn't very good, but at least she had a good time and met some new people. I think she'll play next year. Brooke and Isabella have not had a softball/t-ball game yet, so there season is just getting underway. I'm looking forward to it though.

It has been hot here for the past few days. I'm not happy about it. I just don't like hot weather, but at least it hasn't been raining. I actually got sun burned yesterday at softball. Hopefully it will cool off a little.

The Monday after Easter, Jason was diagnosed with diabetes. He pretty much figured he had it which is why I had scheduled the doctors appt. He also has high blood pressure. He hasn't attended the "diabetes class" yet. I'm excited for the class so we can learn whatever we need to know so the whole family can change our ways. He has to monitor his sugar level with a glucometer. He has to check that 3x a day. He has to take 4 of the same pills 2x a day (diabetes), a high blood pressure pill, and because high blood pressure and high cholesterol go hand in hand with diabetes, a cholesterol pill. His cholesterol is great, but the just want to be safe. He has done well with his eating, but he needs to exercise and quit smoking. It is going to be a major change for our household, but I feel like we can all benefit from a healthier diet.

Easter night, our nephews spent the night with us...they were all up late having a good. They love coming over here and hanging out with their uncle. Someone ALWAYS wants to spend the night here, so they all came. Well, last Thursday, (a week and a half later) I get on the computer and notice 4 porn websites in the address bar. they plainly have porn addresses....I was so pissed. His older nephews are 13, and I know which one it was. I was mad because 1) they shouldn't have been on that, and 2) if the girls had scrolled down to go to a website and hit the wrong one, they would have gotten an eye full. I know because I looked. We told his mom and Jason had a talk with him. I've deleted those sites and am putting a block so that doesn't happen anymore. Crazy pervs!!!!