Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A new hobby!

After reading a book that was based in a knitting shop, I decided to knit. No, I've never knitted before. I got a sewing machine for Christmas last year and attempted to sew the knee holes in my brother in laws pants. They looked like a voodoo doll by the time I was done with them, so it sits and collects dust. Back to knitting! I watched several You Tube videos Saturday night and Sunday evening I bought some needles and yarn, and went at it. It really isn't hard at all. I think my yarn sucks and I should have bought a bigger sized needle. Mine are a size 10. I also should have bought some wooden ones, mine are metal and the yarn slips easily. I can get to about 5 rows and somehow I mess something up. It's like the yarn splits. I try to work through it, but it makes the yarn get really tight, so I throw it away. My daughter is waiting for her scarf!

1 comment:

Angela V. said...

I can't imagine you knitting, but once you figure it out, I need you to drive up here and teach me! I wanna learn too!