Sunday, November 23, 2008

Christmas came early

Friday evening, I was invited to a Southern Living party. I didn't go because I've had a pounding headache all week that I just couldn't shake. The girls spent the night with Pop and Gran. Jason watched kung-fu movies and I went to bed (due to the headache).

Saturday, I worked all day. Brooke had basketball practice and Bella had a birthday party. When I got home, I found out that all 3 of the girls were spending the night out again, but at friends houses. I have been bugging Jason about getting some Christmas shopping done early, but to no avail. I decided since we'd be alone, that this would be a perfect time to get a major present out of the way!

Note: There was some good info in this space, but realized that the girls could easily click on my site and read it all....So, I had to do some deleting!

Tehya had her first JO team practice. There are 11 girls on the team. I found out we will travel to places that can be as close as 10 minutes away or 5 hours away. We are still excited, but with that many girls she's gonna have to step up her game to get some playing time in.....

1 comment:

Angela V. said...

you are so naughty! i can't believe you actually played the game! tony won't let me do that no matter how bad i wanna play it! naughty, naughty, naughty!