Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fitness for Free

I had seen a sign at the YMCA about a month ago offering Kickboxing classes for kids ages 5-12. I called last night to see if it was still going on also thinking the fee was $5 per child per session. Well, yes it is still going on, but it is free!!!!! The man on the phone also told me about yoga and cardio for kids....all free! Yoga is this afternoon at 4, then kickboxing is at 5. How exciting all the girls can attend and are looking forward to it. I may walk on the treadmill a little... I still have a hurt back (sciatic nerve), but maybe a slow stride will be okay.


Tehya's volleyball tournament was in Raleigh this past Saturday. We went up Friday evening and stayed in a hotel since it was 2 1/2 hours away. Saturday was a loooooonng day. We were up at 6:15, eating breakfast at 7:15, and headed to the vball site and got there at 8:00. There were 15 teams playing all from the same age group. This place was very tiny. There were 4 courts, 3 being used for play and one where the players and coaches had their bags, blankets, and pillows spread out. The facility director stood on the counter and made the announcement that when your team isn't playing to move your chairs and go outside, so everyone can watch their team....Hello, it was starting to rain and it is the middle of winter. We just left chairs and everyone shared and sat wherever. Brooke and Isabella were very very good. It can be hard (and boring) for siblings to have to tag along to all day events like this. This is where DS's and DVD players come in handy. Luckily, it only rained in the morning and we were able to sit outside and they could run around. We finished up there at about 8:30. After stopping for dinner and having to pee 2 times we got home at 12:30. We were exhausted. The team made it to the playoff round and lost. Because it was late in the evening they only played one game to 25 to see who would advance. We just don't have that "killer instinct" yet, but once our team finds it, they will be amazing. Tehya was wonderful....Her coach said she was the player of the day and that she has definitely earned her spot on the team....Hope she keeps it up~!!!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lazy day....

The kids were out of school today because a snowflake landed on the ground and didn't evaporate. They enjoyed it...They even put on hats and gloves!

I remember snow days! We would build ice forts and have snow ball fights. The forts would last for days.

I'm losing it.....

my hair that is! It is thinning (which runs in the family, dammit). I think eventually I'll look like Hulk Hogan. I'm also thinning on the eyebrows...does that make sense? Oh, but I do still have regular growth on my upper lip and legs! I'm not making any of this up, as my husband would say! I asked him why celebrities don't have "male pattern baldness". He said it's because they wear extensions.....I might buy some with my taxes!:)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Long time, no see....

It's been awhile since i've been on here....just been busy. I'm going to try to dedicate more time to this. So, where to start...

Christmas: Was fun, exciting, busy, and exhausting.
New Years: Nice and relaxing. All the kids were elsewhere, so i had a peaceful evening with some
Italian food, mixed drinks, GH W. Tour, and Jason

We are back in the swing of school. Tehya is liking a boy, so she has been getting up earlier than anyone in the house. Very interesting! She had her first JO Volleyball tourney this past Saturday. They came in third (they could've one, but beat themselves). Still very proud of them. We left the house at 7 am and got home at 9pm. Next Saturday, we are going 2 1/2 hours away, so the team is staying overnight since we have to be there at 8am. Should be fun. My girls are excited...I keep using it as a bribe!
Brooke's birthday is tomorrow....haven't planned anything yet. It will probably be in April before she can have a slumber party. It is tax time at my job and volleyball tourney's every other Saturday. Maybe if we're lucky we can squeeze one in. She is going to get a new 'do though. she also wants to do some shopping.
Isabella has her very first loose tooth!!! Actually, she has 3! She'll be 7 in April....it's about time!
I hurt my back last week. Not sure what I did, but it hurts to bend over (and unload the washing machine and dryer) hee,hee! I've been taking some of my dads muscle relaxers, not helping!Really it is painful...especially when I sneeze. Wierd, I know.
That about sums up the past month.