Friday, January 16, 2009

Long time, no see....

It's been awhile since i've been on here....just been busy. I'm going to try to dedicate more time to this. So, where to start...

Christmas: Was fun, exciting, busy, and exhausting.
New Years: Nice and relaxing. All the kids were elsewhere, so i had a peaceful evening with some
Italian food, mixed drinks, GH W. Tour, and Jason

We are back in the swing of school. Tehya is liking a boy, so she has been getting up earlier than anyone in the house. Very interesting! She had her first JO Volleyball tourney this past Saturday. They came in third (they could've one, but beat themselves). Still very proud of them. We left the house at 7 am and got home at 9pm. Next Saturday, we are going 2 1/2 hours away, so the team is staying overnight since we have to be there at 8am. Should be fun. My girls are excited...I keep using it as a bribe!
Brooke's birthday is tomorrow....haven't planned anything yet. It will probably be in April before she can have a slumber party. It is tax time at my job and volleyball tourney's every other Saturday. Maybe if we're lucky we can squeeze one in. She is going to get a new 'do though. she also wants to do some shopping.
Isabella has her very first loose tooth!!! Actually, she has 3! She'll be 7 in's about time!
I hurt my back last week. Not sure what I did, but it hurts to bend over (and unload the washing machine and dryer) hee,hee! I've been taking some of my dads muscle relaxers, not helping!Really it is painful...especially when I sneeze. Wierd, I know.
That about sums up the past month.

1 comment:

Angela V. said...

i wondered what had happened to you...hope you'll be around more often!