Monday, June 30, 2008

Orange pics

Here are some pics from the orange kitchen. I tried to get some with the white door and the white curtains.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Silpada Party!

So, if you read my blog from yesterday then you know that I was running around trying to get ready to host a Silpada jewelry party. The party was this evening and it was such a success. My guests purchased close to $1200 dollars in jewelry. From this I earned about $355 worth in jewelry. I have already picked 2 items totalling $168, but am having a hard time spending the rest. I had a wonderful turnout and am very happy for my friend who was the representative. She said this is her most successful one to date! I'll have to take pictures of my "purchases" once I decide.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Never early

Did anyone notice the time that I am posting this blog??? It is actually 12:54 a.m. Well, we are painting our kitchen an orange color. It is called energetic orange. We love the color, but are having trouble finding curtains that would look good with it. Jason wants something "classy", but can't really describe that to me and I want something modern and kind of funky. We are going to hang some purplish/blue track lights in the near future..... Anyways, we have been painting for about a week and a half. It's an open kitchen dining room. Does it really take that long or is it just us. Yeah, I thought it was just us. Also, did I mention if anyone noticed the time I am posting this blog? We just finished painting about an hour ago. I am having a Silpada jewelry party here tomorrow evening. We have been wanting to paint for awhile (stark white walls with hand prints just wasn't very appealing anymore). Hosting this party has given us a reason to actually get something done. Well, since we can't really find a curtain, I think I am just going to get some plantation blinds for the windows. We decided this at 11:00 tonight. So tomorrow will be running around getting the cucumber and broccoli that Wal-mart did not have and returning curtains and purchasing/installing blinds. We are always sucking hind tit!No matter how early I start something or how early I get up, it is always rush, rush, rush!!! Oh yeah, did I mention the time? Off to bed, now! I'll let you know how it all turns out!

Monday, June 23, 2008

enjoyable weekend

On Saturday, Jason went to the "Dub Car Show" in Charlotte. He loves cars. Especially old ones. That started at 3pm, so they left about 2:30. Since he was going to be gone all day, I had planned a day with the girls, my friend and her son. We went swimming first. It started to thunder about 1hr and 1/2 and they kicked everyone out. My friend had just got there, so we hung out at her house for a few hours. Then came home to get dressed to go out to eat. We went to Olive Garden, which Kristi (my friend)and I love. Isabella is the only one of my children who has ever been there. Brooke and Tehya were excited about it. Of course, Brooke and Bella ordered chicken fingers. Tehya and I ordered the cheese ravioli. LOVE IT!!!!! On the way home we stopped at Coldstone and everyone had a kids scoop of ice cream. Jason and Aric (kristi's hubby) do not like Olive Garden, so when she and I get a chance to go eat alone....that's where we go! We hung out at Kristi's sipping on some buttery nipples and waiting for the guys to come home. We finally got home and to bed at about 1:30 am. I was so exhausted. I just can't stay up as late as I used to. Sunday morning we wake up and Jason says all he could smell on my breath was the Italian dressing from the salads. Crazy!!!

We had a lazy day on Sunday, which consisted of breakfast at 12:30. It rained off and on, then in the evening it started thunderstorming with the power flickering off and on. The satellite went off to bed we went at about 11:00. Sometimes these days are the best....

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

Today is Father's Day....we call it Faja's Day. Last night Jason went to see the Hulk movie. So while he was in there, the girls and I snuck over and bought him a $30.00 movie gift certificate. He loves going to the movies. He really enjoyed it. When he came home from the movie, I had fixed one of Jason's favs. for dinner. Then this morning the girls and I were going to make him breakfast. It ended up with me cooking and Jason and the girls watching Nancy Drew. That was fine with me. After breakfast, which I should say brunch because we finished eating about 12:30. We finished the movie, Jason took a nap, we went to Brewster's for ice cream, went grocery shopping, then came home and ate hot dogs for dinner. It was a nice, relaxing day!!!

I almost choked on a fry!!!!

Okay, so we (Jason, me, and our 3 children) are at McDonald's Wednesday night for dinner. We are all sitting down eating when we shared this conversation......

Bella (5): Daddy how are you my daddy?

Brooke (9): Well, first you have to have sex.

Jason: What do you know about sex?

Brooke: Well the man puts his private parts in the womans private parts, and she goes "OOOHHH".

So, the whole time I'm sitting there with this grin on my face. Luckily I am sitting right next to Brooke so she can't see me. Tehya, who is 10, is steadily saying " Brooke, be quiet". I think she was kind of embarrassed about it. Isabella wasn't even paying attention, thank God. Naturally, I am wanting to know where this has come from. Brooke told me her friend told her. We haven't actually sat down and discussed all this yet. I think Jason is NOT looking forward to this at all. I know if I do it alone I will end up laughing (I usually do this at the wrong times) or saying something so crazy sounding. I don't know how long they've known about this. I'm still wondering if Tehya knew this already or if Brooke told her because evidently Tehya knows also if she didn't want Brooke to say anything about it. I'm actually glad it is out in the open somewhat. Now on with the talk.......

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Field Day 2008

Field Day this year was pretty special. It was Isabella's first (she is in K), and Tehya's last. She is going into the 6th grade. We started at about 9:30 and went until about 1:30. There were several different stations that each class goes to. The 5th grade does the annual tug-of-war near the end. Tehya's class beat the 2 other 5th grade class. It was very intense. Kids were chanting the class name they wanted. Us parents are yelling "PULL,PULL" right in near their faces as if this was for the state championship title!! I guess in a 5th grade way, it was! The winning 5th grade class gets to compete against the teachers. Naturally, the children lost.

It was really hot outside. I got sun burn on the top of my head and flip flop outlines on my feet. At the end, the fire truck sprays the entire place. The kids love that part. If you don't run for your life, you will be soaked. I speak from experience. When all is said and done you have dripping wet children eating sno-cones. A little added bonus, they are exhausted when they get home. Can't wait til next years!!!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Blog Virgin

Yes, this is my first time blogging. An old friend said I should try it, so here I am. Actually, she'll probably be the only one to read them. Honestly, I enjoy reading hers and I enjoy talking about stuff.... anything really. And I do mean anything. Hopefully you'll like!