Monday, June 23, 2008

enjoyable weekend

On Saturday, Jason went to the "Dub Car Show" in Charlotte. He loves cars. Especially old ones. That started at 3pm, so they left about 2:30. Since he was going to be gone all day, I had planned a day with the girls, my friend and her son. We went swimming first. It started to thunder about 1hr and 1/2 and they kicked everyone out. My friend had just got there, so we hung out at her house for a few hours. Then came home to get dressed to go out to eat. We went to Olive Garden, which Kristi (my friend)and I love. Isabella is the only one of my children who has ever been there. Brooke and Tehya were excited about it. Of course, Brooke and Bella ordered chicken fingers. Tehya and I ordered the cheese ravioli. LOVE IT!!!!! On the way home we stopped at Coldstone and everyone had a kids scoop of ice cream. Jason and Aric (kristi's hubby) do not like Olive Garden, so when she and I get a chance to go eat alone....that's where we go! We hung out at Kristi's sipping on some buttery nipples and waiting for the guys to come home. We finally got home and to bed at about 1:30 am. I was so exhausted. I just can't stay up as late as I used to. Sunday morning we wake up and Jason says all he could smell on my breath was the Italian dressing from the salads. Crazy!!!

We had a lazy day on Sunday, which consisted of breakfast at 12:30. It rained off and on, then in the evening it started thunderstorming with the power flickering off and on. The satellite went off to bed we went at about 11:00. Sometimes these days are the best....

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