Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Field Day 2008

Field Day this year was pretty special. It was Isabella's first (she is in K), and Tehya's last. She is going into the 6th grade. We started at about 9:30 and went until about 1:30. There were several different stations that each class goes to. The 5th grade does the annual tug-of-war near the end. Tehya's class beat the 2 other 5th grade class. It was very intense. Kids were chanting the class name they wanted. Us parents are yelling "PULL,PULL" right in near their faces as if this was for the state championship title!! I guess in a 5th grade way, it was! The winning 5th grade class gets to compete against the teachers. Naturally, the children lost.

It was really hot outside. I got sun burn on the top of my head and flip flop outlines on my feet. At the end, the fire truck sprays the entire place. The kids love that part. If you don't run for your life, you will be soaked. I speak from experience. When all is said and done you have dripping wet children eating sno-cones. A little added bonus, they are exhausted when they get home. Can't wait til next years!!!!!

1 comment:

Angela V. said...

I guess you got it! I see pictures!