Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Myrtle Beach

We made the long journey to Myrtle Beach on Saturday. It was supposed to take 4 1/2 hours, but I think it took about 5 1/2. There really isn't a direct route with highways there from where we live. We have to go on back roads where the speed limit is sometimes 45, 50, or 60. Anyways, we made it. We got to see my brother and his family and everyone else. The house we stayed in was beautiful. It was on Ocean Lakes Family Campground. We were in a 5 bedroom 3 bath house right on the beach. Every "lot" had golf carts and my parents had recently bought one of their own, so they brought theirs also. In the confines of the campground was a grocery store, laundry, a little fast food joint where you ordered from the window, a pool, rec center, vball, bball, a park, and several other things. I would definitely love to go again. The only draw back was that all the houses were smooshed together. There were all sizes of houses. There were RV's and tents, as well.
On Sunday, a wave took away my glasses, so I had to spend Monday getting an eye exam and ordering glasses at the one hour place. I guess it was a good thing that happened because it had been 3 years since my last eye exam. Now I can actually see!
The girls start school tomorrow. Thank God! I am sick of looking at school supplies that we have to give to their homeroom teachers. It's been laying around our house since the beginning of August.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

So proud....

The bridal shower that I was going to Sunday was cancelled due to the wedding being called off. Long story! Needless to say I wasn't tempted by cake!!! I did however buy some cupcakes for a coworkers baby shower. I didn't eat a single one!!!! We had the shower at work on Monday. I saw the cupcakes there today. The were where I could see them. I put them out of sight and didn't even think about them. I gotta stop typing about them though! I've been going to the gym at least every other day. I've lost 4 pounds. I am 172 right now!!! 2 more until I hit the 160's. Maybe i'll be able to go poo and lose those!! Hey, "eating healthy" messes with the bowels. I haven't been to Starbucks since last time I said either. I am planning on going Saturday morning since we are leaving VERY early to the beach. AND I found out they have light mocha frappacino's. Wonder how those taste and what the difference is? I'll let you know!

Growing up!

My one month shy of turning 11 year old started her period this past Sunday! It just came all of a sudden. I handled it much better than I thought I would, but I have to say I was a little down all that day. Of course, Tehya's friend invited her to the lake that day. I preferred her to stay home because I didn't know how bad it was going to be being her first time and all (also we were spring cleaning before we head to the beach). Jason kept saying, "she can go, just let her go." I was giving him the eye...we had some drop in visitors at the time, finally he caught on. He really didn't want to talk about it. He said he's not ready for this. The whole situation wasn't how I imagined it would be...honestly I don't really know how I had imagined it. Anyway... she handled things pretty well. She actually showered everyday (you'll understand if you've read previous blogs). I'm glad it didn't happen this weekend (we'll be at the beach) and next Wednesday 8/20 they start school!
Jason and I are realizing that she is going through some emotional issues as well. Feeling certain ways that she probably can't even explain why she is feeling that way, so we are going to try to be more attentive to this. I know this is a scary and exciting time for her and we hope to make the best of it.
I read somewhere that said that children that are able (and do) talk to their parents about sex openly are more apt to not participate in sexual activities, or wait til later, due to understanding the consequences (pregnancy, disease) of having sex. This makes me feel better about talking about it with her.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Mouth Almighty

Ohmigod!!! As I am sitting here, Brooke my 9 year old pulls out her loose tooth. Bella my 6 year old tells her to make sure she puts it under her pillow for the tooth fairy. Brooke proceeds to say "The tooth fairy isn't real Bella". She says this just as calmly and as if it were every day conversation. With my back to them, my eyes fly open wide. I get up and now standing behind Bella I am pursing my lips together and making slicing movements across my neck in Brooke's direction. I think she got the point!!!! Bella went on her merry way. Thank God for the disney channel!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The forbidden word....d_ _ t

Jason and I decided we were fat and gross. We have decided to begin our healthy living lifestyle. We started last week. So, far we have changed our food intake and I (notice that says I) exercise at least every other day. Jason does go on the occasional walk with the girls. I want to do my 30 minutes at the gym and be done with the cardio. I can't seem to get into high gear though. For our wedding I was all over losing some weight, but now Starbucks Mocha Frappacino's are lingering in the back of my mind. I literally have to talk myself out of them. But I have decided yesterday that I will allow myself one a week. I just had one a few days ago. I'm going to a bridal shower on Sunday.... I'm already thinking about the cake!!!

Hairy subject!

Tehya has been asking if she could shave her legs for the past year and a half. She will be 11 in September and is starting middle school this fall. In the past I have always said no. We told her if you have to remember when the last time you took a shower was, then you weren't ready to shave your legs because you can't keep the basic hygiene duties up. She went camping earlier this summer and had on a tank top. I guess she had her hands clasped to the back of her head and Brooke told her to put her arms down because you can see her armpit hair. She was worried about it the whole time. They were baby fine hairs, but you could see they were long. So, before we went on our family camping trip I bought her the Veet hair removal with the "fake razor" with the agreement of her washing her butt on a regular basis. Using a real razor I shaved her underarms for the first time. She still has not shaved her legs, I don't know what she is waiting for!! Guess she is deciding to go "au natural" right down to her natural scent.

Now Brooke on the other hand decided to shave her legs without permission. Actually, she shaved to strips of hair in the front of both legs, but didn't do the sides or the backs. She was happy with her work not even caring she was in trouble! But I gotta hand it to her...at least she bathes.